This past weekend, we all got the flu. It took us almost a week to fully recover. But I would like to post a big thank you to my mom for being such a big help with Anniston while Gabe and I were sick. See, Anniston had the flu for all but 2 hours, which I am very thankful for. Gabe and I, however, were not as lucky. Chasing her around, while also puking our guts out, was no bueno. My mom was our hero this weekend and entertained Anniston most of the time Gabe and I were feeling like death. Plus, Anniston adores my mom, so it was basically an Anni and Grandma Pilley party all weekend. She is pretty much the best and I feel so lucky to have her as a mother. Starr Pilley, you're the best! Thanks for being our hero this weekend. We all love you very much!
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Anniston at 14 months
Anniston had her 14 month check up last week. No shots! Wahoo! Anyway, I've decided to do a update on how much our sweet little girl is learning and growing.
- Her height and weight haven't changed at all in the last two months. She is still 22 pounds (72th percentile) and 31 inches long ( 81st percentile).
- She has learned where her nose, head, hands, feet, toes, tummy and ears are and can point to them if asked.
- She has also been all about the barn yard animal sounds lately. She knows the sounds of the cow, duck, sheep, dog, rooster and horse. Anniston's Aunt Lindsey was the one who taught Anniston the horse sound. She was having a pretty hard time with that one. Thanks, Aunt Lindsey!
- Her favorite words lately are bye, chicken, thank you, bubble and GG. GG stands for Grumpy Grandpa, which is what my mom lovingly dubbed my dad.
- By far, Anniston's favorite pastime is rock collecting. Every chance she gets to be outside she is on the search for the biggest rock she can find.
- Is getting pretty skilled at feeding herself with a spoon.
- Her new favorite thing to do is style her hair with her food. It's literally my least favorite thing. She tends to have more baths lately as a result.
- Anniston has the chubbiest feet ever! She fits into almost no shoes. Thank goodness for baby moccasins and sandals or she would be going around barefoot.
- Pretty much refuses to hold anyones hand when she is walking around. Such an independent thing.
- Is usually a very sweet little girl who listens pretty well; however, if she is in a bad mood she can have quite an attitude. I've clocked multiple tantrums at 60 mins. Those were definitely not fun times.
- Thinks every spherical shape is a ball and every animal with four legs is a dog.
- Will wait at the door to go outside until someone takes her outside. Still a nature girl.
- To my complete dismay, she has become a picky eater. She used to eat everything, but pretty much the day she hit one year old, she started shaking her head at most things offered to her.
- In addition to her picky eating, she is basically a vegetarian, with the exception of fish.
- Has been having some pretty amazing snuggle moments lately, which are literally my favorite. :)
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Two toddlers

Heather and I have been best friends and driving everyone around us nuts since 8th grade. Our friendship is a pretty crazy one. I like to think of her as the sister I never had and she does as well. We so happened to have our babies one month apart. It has honestly been a huge blessing and one of the best things for me as a first-time mother. When we were pregnant, we got to complain to each other about how awful we felt when everyone else stopped listening. We could freak out to one another if we didn't feel the baby kick for a while, and although everyone else around us thought we were crazy, we both understood how nerve wrecking that could be. When our babies were newborns and we were up for the third time that night feeding them, we used to text each other to help one another stay awake. Now that our babies have both become toddlers, it's been such an adventure, and it's nice to have someone to talk to who is on the same roller coaster ride.
Anniston and Logan are complete opposites. Logan is a very active little guy and he's always busy doing something, whereas Anniston likes to sit back and take everything in around her. Even though they have very different personalities, they are still toddlers, so day to day life for us as mothers is very similar. It's also a blessing that our children happen to get along pretty dang well, which equals lots of playdates. And two moms are much more equipped to handle two toddlers than one. Basically, what I am saying is if you're planning on having a baby, get pregnant at the same time as your best friend, because its the best! Love you Heather! Oh, and it's also a big plus that our husbands are pretty fond of each other as well. ;)
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