Hey. My name is Gabe. And this is our pumpkin patch story. So this weekend, Katie, Nate, and I went to Linder Farms and hopped on the hay, waiting on the back of the tractor to begin our journey to the greatest pumpkin patch story ever told. As thousands of children were making their way onto the tractor to begin their journey back to the farm, we were jumping off, all alone, in a field full of pumpkins. We stumbled across the pumpkins and I lost my footing and fell right in front of the most beautiful pumpkin I've ever seen. It traveled in my hands the rest of the way. Katie and Nate picked out their pumpkins too and as Nate was picking up the pumpkin he had picked out, he stumbled into the corn field. Laid out in front of Nathaniel, was a perfect trail through miles of corn stalks. The trail called to him so he started walking. We followed and the three of us started on our journey. At times, it was happy and we would laugh and twirl through the corn stalks. When we would lose our way, Katie would stand on my shoulders, as we tried to get a better look as to where we were. At other times, we would get discouraged and one of the three would want to go back, but the other two would motivate the third to keep going so we could reap the rewards at the end of the trail. We persevered on the trail through the hay fever and the cuts and scrapes. At one point, Nate and I had to pull Katie out of the mud that had swallowed her up. As we continued, I watched Katie's face and its array of emotions. She looked so cute in her yellow striped shirt, my own little pumpkin. When we were all tired and ready to turn back, I saw Katie's face turn into a huge smile as she saw the light at the end of the corn trail. We all jumped for joy and skipped to the end of the trail, where we took a picture, to remember the trail that we stumbled into at the pumpkin patch.