I've been so anxious for this Christmas season to begin, we've been listening to Christmas music since October. The day after Thanksgiving, I was convinced we needed to get a Christmas tree right away. We had originally planned to buy a permit and cut our own tree this year, but we decided to go to a Christmas tree farm about thirty minutes from our home instead. As it turns out, the farm no longer exists. However, on our way, we passed this very tiny nursery, called Rustic Gardens. The place definitely had a very rustic feel, but the lady was super nice, and the trees were the right price, so we were happy.
I've been a little nervous about how Ezzy is going to do with the Christmas tree, and when we decorated it, he kind of went nuts! His absolute favorite things are balls and we had them carefully placed all over our Christmas tree, which he wasn't allowed to touch. Needless to say, there were ornaments scattered all over our floor and a few tears shed each time we had to tell him no, but I have high hopes that the novelty of the Christmas balls will wear off.
This Christmas, Gabe and I are really trying to emphasize the importance of giving with Anni. We have a wonderful list of service ideas to do for all 25 days of this Christmas season, and I cannot wait to get started! Giving has always been my favorite part of Christmas, and I am excited for Anniston to experience how rewarding, and what an amazing feeling it is, to give to others, especially those who really need it.
The list we'll be using can be found right here if anyone else wants to join in to make this Christmas season a little brighter.